Business Name and Address Information:
(Please enter the name and address for the business, this should be a physical address) |
Business Name: |
Street Address (cannot be a P.O. Box): |
Street Address, line 2: |
City: |
State: |
(Note: Local Telephone Service is not currently available in VA) |
Zip Code: |
Contact's Telephone Number: |
(Format XXX-XXX-XXXX) |
Contact's FAX Number: |
(Format XXX-XXX-XXXX) |
Contact E-Mail Address: |
( |
Best Time to Call: |
(i.e. mornings,
afternoon, Mondays, Fridays, etc.) |
Tell Us About Your Business: |
Nature of your business:
(Please briefly describe what your business does) |
Current Long Distance Carrier |
Current Local Telephone Co. |
1+ Long Distance |
Minutes of Use |
Cost |
Monthly Fee |
800 Inbound Calling |
Minutes of Use |
Cost |
Monthly Fee |
Calling Cards |
Cost |
Local Telephone Service |
Number of Telephone Lines |
Quantity and Type of Lines |
Quantity and Type of Lines |
Quantity and Type of Lines |
Describe your local telephone services (types of
lines and features such as hunting, call waiting, call forwarding, voice mail, etc.): |